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Showing posts from September, 2020
 I can not remember a time that I did not want to be a teacher.  I have taken many detours away from teaching in my life due to life circumstances, however, I have always ended up back in education.  I remember as a young girl I would come home from school and set up a class room in my bedroom and "teach" my dolls. I have also been a day care director and a medical marketing manager for a combined total of 15 years.  After I was married and had children, I became a stay at home mom to three wonderful boys.  When our oldest child went to kindergarten our twins also went to preschool twice a week for 3 hours each day and I was asked to be room mother in kindergarten.  I was helping the teacher in the classroom with a variety of tasks such as taking a class on testing kindergarten students letters, sounds, and math.  I then went back to the class and began working with the children.  More and more I began to hear my inner self tell me "its time to get back into education&qu