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Showing posts from October, 2021
  Engaging the Evaluation of the Student Teaching Assessment The primary purpose of the STOT assessment is to assess and evaluate the teacher candidate in several areas of performance, in a classroom setting while they are the primary teacher.  The STOT was created by the North Dakota Common Metric to ensure that teacher candidates were receiving accurate, appropriate, and relevant training in their teacher preparation program but also that the candidate is prepared and ready to be a teacher in the classroom.  I feel this form has two purposes: first it is to guide the candidate as to what standards they are doing well in and what they need to work on in the classroom; and also to aide the Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher a way to provide needed feedback to the teacher candidate. This form’s primary focus is aimed to give the candidate the necessary feedback as to what is needed to be worked on during their student teaching journey going forward.  This form covers ten standards that