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Showing posts from November, 2021

Differentiating Instruction and Unit Planning

 Part 1- What is Differentiation? (Heacox) In order to have differentiated instruction in a classroom instruction needs to be rigorous, relevant, flexible and varied, and complex.  Rigorous instruction is providing motivating and challenging instruction to students that are ready to go over and above the work that they are doing day by day.  It is also  providing instruction for students that are at or below grade level.  Those students will have instruction based on where they are.  All students are given instruction that is challenging based on their current level.  The instruction is motivating, yet not over challenging such that the student gets overwhelmed or under challenged.  Relevant instruction is providing students with specific instruction that is essential to their learning.  During this time they should be provided with individualized activities that are targeted to what their needs are at the time.  Flexible and varied instruction  allows students to pick what it is they